It has been two years since our way of life changed completely. Not only because of what the pandemic caused by Covid-19 meant to us on a personal level, but also on a professional level. In these last two years, we have seen how the months of quarantine, the restrictions and the lost of some freedoms that we took for granted have marked a before and after that has undoubtedly made us reflect and has led to a paradigm shift in which our priorities have been altered.
And with all this changes, new concepts have arrived, among which “The Great Resignation” stands out, a social phenomenon that originated in the United States and is beginning to have special relevance in our country. But what is the Great Resignation and what does it consist of? This concept is related to the increasingly widespread and voluntary abandon of the job, regardless of the worker’s sector. According to various sources, last year our country recorded more than 30,000 voluntary leaves.
According to Udemy Business*, more than 60% of employees say they are looking for a new job and 41% are considering a decision to leave their job.
To slow down this phenomenon, it is important that we not only look at the present and think of possible solutions, but also look back to analyze some of the causes. We are faced with a variety of factors such as the revaluation of priorities, the need to continue growing or the perception of not feeling valued. And the solution found among all this is basically to change jobs.
According to a report by Axios**, 75% believe that the pandemic has made them question their needs.
In this regard, our expert Neus Antón, Partner and General Manager of AdQualis Executive Madrid, pointed out in Expansión the existence of a paradigm shift and the difficulty for companies to adapt to these new needs of their employees in time. Antón said: “That’s why the quickest way to try to retain talent is to make counter-offers at the moment the departure is announced”, a reactive measure, but one that in the short term will not guarantee the employee’s commitment to the company. The key to avoiding the leave of professionals resides in the fact that companies must have a purpose that attracts, retains and motivates their employees. How? To this effect, it is essential that companies continue to develop and strengthen the key points focused on the pursuit of employee well-being and career advancement.
“Companies that only bid for talent when they fear losing it are acting at a discount time.” Neus Antón, Partner and General Manager, AdQualis Executive Madrid
Thus, the key to avoiding this situation resides in taking care of the employee, listening to his or her needs and responding accordingly. Those companies that only bet on their human capital when they fear losing it are doomed to become organizations with constant talent leaks.
* Udemy Business, a company that transforms the workplace learning experience and offers on-demand training for the consumer. It offers quality courses taught by experts from different sectors, ranging from development and IT to design, leadership and stress management, among others.
** Axios es una empresa estadounidense de medios de comunicación que da a conocer noticias y análisis rigurosos.